The Need for Affirmation
‘Wow, you’re so good at that! I don’t think anyone else can play as well as you – you could become famous.’
Who doesn’t like encouragement?
Do you remember a compliment that still makes you smile? Perhaps it was some encouraging words that made you try anyway. Did you get the affirmation you needed just when you needed it? ‘You can do it!’ And then you were able to do the impossible.
Words create! When someone speaks life-giving words to you, they bring life.
In James chapter three in the Bible we read that the tongue has power over life and death.
Do you remember that cutting comment, that made your heart freeze, when you just walked away mute? Some people can recall the bully’s accusations word for word, and feel that knot of fear deep down. Words: ugly, nasty words that made you want to give up.
They say that looks can kill. I think words can also kill: they kill your boldness, your self-esteem, and your joy.
Thankfully, there is One who is greater than our words, He calls Himself ‘The Word’. And when Jesus looks at you He says that He’s ecstatic about who you are. He says that He gives life back to broken hearts, and heals wounds, both inner wounds and wounds of the flesh. Jesus smiles when He sees you, and His word booms so much louder than the bully’s.
But how do we hear this wonderful voice in the midst of all the other noise?
Read what He says, which is often in red text, in the Bible. See how Jesus has fought for you and confirmed that you are worth dying for. Get to know His voice. Sometimes it’s a whisper, at other times you can hear it through other people, and very often it comes through the Bible.
His Word is creative and has a powerful effect on those who read it. He will make sure you hear what He has to say. Just lift up your eyes for confirmation – a bit higher than to the eyes of the bully, a bit higher than to all the fashion adverts.
‘Those who look to Him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame’ Psalm 34:5.