Sexually transmitted diseases
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs, also known as venereal diseases, or VDs) are caused by viruses and bacteria that are passed on by sexual contact. This is why they are called sexually transmitted diseases. Most STDs are passed on by both sexual intercourse and oral sex. Some examples of STDs are Hepatitis B, herpes, AIDS, chlamydia, genital warts, gonorrhea and syphilis. Some STDs give a discharge or sores and can be painful. However, not all give symptoms. Some people can be infected without knowing it, this is particularly true with HIV and chlamydia. Contact your doctor for an examination if you think you may have been infected without knowing about it, you will then be offered treatment if necessary. Condoms give some protection against STDs, but the safest way to avoid being infected is never to have sex with someone who might have an STD.
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