Go to result Categories Artikler (15)Besvarte spørsmål (33)Bibelen (1)Podcast / film (3) Type Article (19)Q & A (33) Theme alcoholbodyboundariesconsentemotionsfaithfriendshipgendermarriagemasturbationmental healthpodcastpregnancypubertyrelationshipself-imagesexsexual abuseSexually transmitted diseasethe bible "Body" Reasons not to shave down below? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi! I’ve got some questions about shaving the private parts. Is it good to shave down there? I don’t have a good way to do it. I have to use a lot of soap for... Is diabetes infectious? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Is diabetes an infectious disease? Can I get a bigger penis? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi, is it possible to get a bigger penis?From a guy, 15. Is it normal to use sanitary pads all the time? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi! Is it normal for a girl to use sanitary pads all the time? Some sort of liquid or slime seeps out when I don’t have my period. Is this normal? I find it... The Different Types of Feminine Hygiene Products Kategori: Artikler Tampons, pantyliners and sanitary towels in different shapes, sizes and packages. Are you unsure about which feminine hygiene products to use during your... A Short Boob Guide for Girls Kategori: Artikler Small boobs, big boobs, squint boobs, hanging boobs, round boobs, pointy boobs … Help! I’ve Got My First Period! Kategori: Artikler A little blood has appeared in your pants for the first time. You realise that your first period has started! What is the Period? Kategori: Artikler Having a period (menstruation) is part of being a woman; in order to get pregnant you have to have started to menstruate. Even though very few girls think of... What Happens in a Woman’s Body During Sex? Kategori: Artikler Male and female genitals are very different, but there are also many similarities. What Happens in a Man’s Body During Sex? Kategori: Artikler Male and female genitals are very different, but they are created in such a way that they fit perfectly together. What Happens When Boys Reach Puberty? Kategori: Artikler In the space of a few years the human body develops and matures from childhood to adulthood; this is called ‘puberty’. What Happens When Girls Reach Puberty? Kategori: Artikler In the space of a few years the human body develops and matures from childhood to adulthood; this is called ‘puberty’. Eighteen years old and can’t have an orgasm Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi! I’m a desperate eighteen-year-old girl, and I’m struggling to masturbate! I’ve never done it properly; no matter how much I try it doesn’t feel good. :-(... I’ve never had spots Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi, I’m a girl of eleven, I’ve already got big boobs but I don’t want any before I’m twelve, and I’ve never had spots, is there something wrong with me? Is small breast size inherited? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål If my mum has small breasts will I have the same? Shaving down below Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål I’m a girl of fifteen, and I’ve sometimes shaved between my legs, but then I’ve got red spots there. I didn’t use any special cream, or soap, just a razor... Dizziness during the period Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi, I had my first period just over a year ago, and in the past six months I’ve often felt dizzy, and I’ve blacked out a couple of times. I’ve never fainted,... Blood donor Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål I’m thinking of giving blood, but I wanted to know what the Bible says about it? I’m thinking of the verse: ‘The soul is in the blood.’Is it a good idea... Bleeding after first sex Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi!I’m a girl of fourteen and I have already decided not to have sex before I get married. But I was wondering if people bleed a lot when they have sex for the... Can I use up my sperm? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Can I use up my sperm production if I masturbate ten times a day every day? Brown stains in my pants, can it be the period? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi, I don’t know if this question is very strange or not. It isn’t so much about the Bible, but about the period. I’m a Christian girl of thirteen, soon... Intercourse for the first time Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Is it normal for a girl to bleed the first time she has intercourse?Is there something wrong if she doesn’t bleed?Is it sore the first time?From a girl, 14. My foreskin feels abnormal Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål It is a bit difficult to explain this. But is it unusual to have no signs of puberty now? I don't feel that my voice has changed and the penis is still small... Is it normal to sweat a lot? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Is it normal to have a problem with sweat? I get sweat rings under my arms no matter what I do, it just happens even when I’m not stressed. Girl of 14. I’ve got brown stains in my pants, it’s not my period and not painful, what can it be? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål From a 10 year old girl, my nipples are growing but I haven’t had my period yet. There are some brown stains in my pants, but it’s not painful.ANONYMOUS I’m 12 and don’t have any boobs Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi, I’m a girl of 12. I don’t have any boobs, but all the other girls in my class do. One time a girl went with small footballs under her jumper, and I looked... What happens to your body after an abortion? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål What happens to your body after an abortion? The Perfect Body Kategori: Artikler It’s all over the internet, films show it, bloggers write about it, and everyone wants it … the perfect body. Reflected in God Kategori: Artikler If I ever wonder what I look like, or if I’ve forgotten, then I go and get a mirror. In the same way, if I want to find out who I am, I need someone or... Do Contraceptive Pills Prevent Fertilization? Kategori: Artikler Before you get married it is important to talk about whether you want to have children immediately or whether you will use contraception. She Told Me I Wasn’t a Whole Person Kategori: Artikler I was sixteen years old and hadn’t yet had my first period. Even though I wasn’t that old, I was really worried. What About Contraception? Kategori: Artikler God created sex, not just so that we would enjoy marriage, but also so we could have children. Children are a gift and not an accident. If you couldn’t imagine... Girl of seventeen with no breasts Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi, I'm a girl of seventeen, and I don’t have breasts! I really don’t have any! This is extremely embarrassing for me!Is there any way to get bigger boobs? Any... Shaving before the wedding night? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi, :-) I’m a girl of eighteen who is soon to get married. I’m wondering if I should shave myself ‘down there’ before the wedding. Neither of us have had sex... Wearing a bikini on the beach Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi! I was wondering if it’s wrong for a Christian to wear a bikini on the beach? I’ve always done this, and never thought about it as it’s so normal. What are... I have a problem with "blue balls" Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi!My boyfriend and I are both Christians and we've decided to wait with sex until we get married. He's also very clear about lust and masturbating not being... Podcast: What happens in a man's body during sex? Kategori: Podcast / film Male and female genitals are very different, but they are created in such a way that they fit perfectly together. How can I improve my reputation? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål How can I improve my reputation, from being the one everyone sees as the drunk to being a good guy? :-) Is it my looks that give me value? Kategori: Artikler Have you ever thought about these questions: Who am I? What makes me valuable? Take care of your body Kategori: Artikler Does God's Word have anything important to say about the body? It is not that we only have a body, but we are body. Therefore, we need to take good care of it. Is it wrong to get an erect penis? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hello. I’m ‘Boy 19’ and I have some questions. My girlfriend and I are both Christians, and we have decided to wait to have sex. Often if my penis gets hard, I... Is it abnormal not to have got my period? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi boyandgirl,I’m a girl of almost fifteen, and I haven’t got my period yet. Is that normal? The period Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål What happens in your body when you have a period? Naked on Skype and Snapchat Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hello, we are two friends who have a bit of a problem... Two of our best friends (a boy and a girl) who are not boy and girlfriend showing their genitals on... Gender and identity – biology and ideology Kategori: Bibelen The question of what gender really is, is more relevant now than ever before. We need to show respect for vulnerable groups of people, but we can be certain of... Feeling bad after gossiping Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi, I’m a girl of fourteen. I find that I often have a bad conscience, perhaps because I gossip or have bad thoughts about others. I’m trying my best to stop... Breast growth Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi, I’m almost eighteen, and had my first period last year, after two to three years of having an eating disorder. After I had my first period my hips and... Can we have sex when the woman has her period? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi. Can we have sex when the woman has her period? I’ve read about it in the Old Testament, but does this just refer to the people of Israel at that time, or... Did someone do something illegal to me? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi! Two years ago I was living in a student hostel in Australia. One evening I was out drinking with my friends, it was quite a casual atmosphere and I didn’t... Podcast: The invisible reality of sex Kategori: Podcast / film When two people have sex, very strong emotions are created, and they become emotionally connected on a deep level. Many have experienced that it is hard to... Podcast: Born in the wrong body? Kategori: Podcast / film «Are you born in the wrong body?» You may have heard someone ask that question. On TV or perhaps on YouTube, at least. Some children and young people say they... Am I a hypochondriac? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi, I’m a girl of 15. About six months ago I lacked a lot of iron, and at the same time I got a virus in my lungs which wasn’t dangerous, according to the... We are in the process of translating the full content of this website to English. Translated material will be published consecutively as soon as it is ready. There are about 1300 questions with answers, as well as many articles that need to be translated. We ask for your patience and understanding for this.
Reasons not to shave down below? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi! I’ve got some questions about shaving the private parts. Is it good to shave down there? I don’t have a good way to do it. I have to use a lot of soap for...
Can I get a bigger penis? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi, is it possible to get a bigger penis?From a guy, 15.
Is it normal to use sanitary pads all the time? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi! Is it normal for a girl to use sanitary pads all the time? Some sort of liquid or slime seeps out when I don’t have my period. Is this normal? I find it...
The Different Types of Feminine Hygiene Products Kategori: Artikler Tampons, pantyliners and sanitary towels in different shapes, sizes and packages. Are you unsure about which feminine hygiene products to use during your...
A Short Boob Guide for Girls Kategori: Artikler Small boobs, big boobs, squint boobs, hanging boobs, round boobs, pointy boobs …
Help! I’ve Got My First Period! Kategori: Artikler A little blood has appeared in your pants for the first time. You realise that your first period has started!
What is the Period? Kategori: Artikler Having a period (menstruation) is part of being a woman; in order to get pregnant you have to have started to menstruate. Even though very few girls think of...
What Happens in a Woman’s Body During Sex? Kategori: Artikler Male and female genitals are very different, but there are also many similarities.
What Happens in a Man’s Body During Sex? Kategori: Artikler Male and female genitals are very different, but they are created in such a way that they fit perfectly together.
What Happens When Boys Reach Puberty? Kategori: Artikler In the space of a few years the human body develops and matures from childhood to adulthood; this is called ‘puberty’.
What Happens When Girls Reach Puberty? Kategori: Artikler In the space of a few years the human body develops and matures from childhood to adulthood; this is called ‘puberty’.
Eighteen years old and can’t have an orgasm Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi! I’m a desperate eighteen-year-old girl, and I’m struggling to masturbate! I’ve never done it properly; no matter how much I try it doesn’t feel good. :-(...
I’ve never had spots Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi, I’m a girl of eleven, I’ve already got big boobs but I don’t want any before I’m twelve, and I’ve never had spots, is there something wrong with me?
Is small breast size inherited? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål If my mum has small breasts will I have the same?
Shaving down below Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål I’m a girl of fifteen, and I’ve sometimes shaved between my legs, but then I’ve got red spots there. I didn’t use any special cream, or soap, just a razor...
Dizziness during the period Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi, I had my first period just over a year ago, and in the past six months I’ve often felt dizzy, and I’ve blacked out a couple of times. I’ve never fainted,...
Blood donor Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål I’m thinking of giving blood, but I wanted to know what the Bible says about it? I’m thinking of the verse: ‘The soul is in the blood.’Is it a good idea...
Bleeding after first sex Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi!I’m a girl of fourteen and I have already decided not to have sex before I get married. But I was wondering if people bleed a lot when they have sex for the...
Can I use up my sperm? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Can I use up my sperm production if I masturbate ten times a day every day?
Brown stains in my pants, can it be the period? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi, I don’t know if this question is very strange or not. It isn’t so much about the Bible, but about the period. I’m a Christian girl of thirteen, soon...
Intercourse for the first time Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Is it normal for a girl to bleed the first time she has intercourse?Is there something wrong if she doesn’t bleed?Is it sore the first time?From a girl, 14.
My foreskin feels abnormal Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål It is a bit difficult to explain this. But is it unusual to have no signs of puberty now? I don't feel that my voice has changed and the penis is still small...
Is it normal to sweat a lot? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Is it normal to have a problem with sweat? I get sweat rings under my arms no matter what I do, it just happens even when I’m not stressed. Girl of 14.
I’ve got brown stains in my pants, it’s not my period and not painful, what can it be? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål From a 10 year old girl, my nipples are growing but I haven’t had my period yet. There are some brown stains in my pants, but it’s not painful.ANONYMOUS
I’m 12 and don’t have any boobs Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi, I’m a girl of 12. I don’t have any boobs, but all the other girls in my class do. One time a girl went with small footballs under her jumper, and I looked...
What happens to your body after an abortion? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål What happens to your body after an abortion?
The Perfect Body Kategori: Artikler It’s all over the internet, films show it, bloggers write about it, and everyone wants it … the perfect body.
Reflected in God Kategori: Artikler If I ever wonder what I look like, or if I’ve forgotten, then I go and get a mirror. In the same way, if I want to find out who I am, I need someone or...
Do Contraceptive Pills Prevent Fertilization? Kategori: Artikler Before you get married it is important to talk about whether you want to have children immediately or whether you will use contraception.
She Told Me I Wasn’t a Whole Person Kategori: Artikler I was sixteen years old and hadn’t yet had my first period. Even though I wasn’t that old, I was really worried.
What About Contraception? Kategori: Artikler God created sex, not just so that we would enjoy marriage, but also so we could have children. Children are a gift and not an accident. If you couldn’t imagine...
Girl of seventeen with no breasts Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi, I'm a girl of seventeen, and I don’t have breasts! I really don’t have any! This is extremely embarrassing for me!Is there any way to get bigger boobs? Any...
Shaving before the wedding night? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi, :-) I’m a girl of eighteen who is soon to get married. I’m wondering if I should shave myself ‘down there’ before the wedding. Neither of us have had sex...
Wearing a bikini on the beach Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi! I was wondering if it’s wrong for a Christian to wear a bikini on the beach? I’ve always done this, and never thought about it as it’s so normal. What are...
I have a problem with "blue balls" Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi!My boyfriend and I are both Christians and we've decided to wait with sex until we get married. He's also very clear about lust and masturbating not being...
Podcast: What happens in a man's body during sex? Kategori: Podcast / film Male and female genitals are very different, but they are created in such a way that they fit perfectly together.
How can I improve my reputation? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål How can I improve my reputation, from being the one everyone sees as the drunk to being a good guy? :-)
Is it my looks that give me value? Kategori: Artikler Have you ever thought about these questions: Who am I? What makes me valuable?
Take care of your body Kategori: Artikler Does God's Word have anything important to say about the body? It is not that we only have a body, but we are body. Therefore, we need to take good care of it.
Is it wrong to get an erect penis? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hello. I’m ‘Boy 19’ and I have some questions. My girlfriend and I are both Christians, and we have decided to wait to have sex. Often if my penis gets hard, I...
Is it abnormal not to have got my period? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi boyandgirl,I’m a girl of almost fifteen, and I haven’t got my period yet. Is that normal?
Naked on Skype and Snapchat Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hello, we are two friends who have a bit of a problem... Two of our best friends (a boy and a girl) who are not boy and girlfriend showing their genitals on...
Gender and identity – biology and ideology Kategori: Bibelen The question of what gender really is, is more relevant now than ever before. We need to show respect for vulnerable groups of people, but we can be certain of...
Feeling bad after gossiping Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi, I’m a girl of fourteen. I find that I often have a bad conscience, perhaps because I gossip or have bad thoughts about others. I’m trying my best to stop...
Breast growth Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi, I’m almost eighteen, and had my first period last year, after two to three years of having an eating disorder. After I had my first period my hips and...
Can we have sex when the woman has her period? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi. Can we have sex when the woman has her period? I’ve read about it in the Old Testament, but does this just refer to the people of Israel at that time, or...
Did someone do something illegal to me? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi! Two years ago I was living in a student hostel in Australia. One evening I was out drinking with my friends, it was quite a casual atmosphere and I didn’t...
Podcast: The invisible reality of sex Kategori: Podcast / film When two people have sex, very strong emotions are created, and they become emotionally connected on a deep level. Many have experienced that it is hard to...
Podcast: Born in the wrong body? Kategori: Podcast / film «Are you born in the wrong body?» You may have heard someone ask that question. On TV or perhaps on YouTube, at least. Some children and young people say they...
Am I a hypochondriac? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi, I’m a girl of 15. About six months ago I lacked a lot of iron, and at the same time I got a virus in my lungs which wasn’t dangerous, according to the...